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[Defend the Web] Crypt 4 IC : 0.08170 This looks like transposition cipher again. So I tried Caesar and Vigenere Cipher. But not them. Because I don't know how it was encrypted, I just replaced letters that I know. For the reason of convenience, the unchanged letters are indicated as upper case, and changed will be lower case. J -> p h -> a l -> s Result : DC, GDCs Cs a sCRCSaN CKQa GZ SQWQS GUZ. GDCs GCRQ QaYD SQGGQN C..
[Defend the Web] Crypt 3 Oh. The hyphens, periods, slashes, and spaces. What will they mean? Not at first glance, but from my little experiences, I recalled that there are morse code, international maritime signal flags, telephone keypads, encodings, etc. in some CTFs. So... maybe this ciphertext can be morse code. The morse code has two different signal durations, called dots and dashes or dits and dash (they will be c..
[Defend the Web] Crypt 1 & Crypt 2 Ciphertext : tpyrcoow :ssap siht retne level siht etelpmoc oT .rewop niarb fo tol a yolpme ot deen lliw uoy ,cigol dna noitpyrced tuoba lla era slevel esehT .sihtkcah no slevel tpyrc eht ot emoclew ,olleH It looks REALLY easy. [::-1] will help us. inp = "tpyrcoow :ssap siht retne level siht etelpmoc oT .rewop niarb fo tol a yolpme ot deen lliw uoy ,cigol dna noitpyrced tuoba lla era slevel esehT..
[HackCTF] Classic Cipher -4 ciphertextOriginal Text 더보기 ◆□ &↔↙■◀→○↔☆■●↙, ☆ 〓★#〓◀◆◀★◀◆→□ &◆■●§↔ ◆〓 ☆ ◎§◀●→@ →※ §□&↔↙■◀◆□○ #↙ ♩●◆&● ★□◆◀〓 →※ ■▼☆◆□◀§♪◀ ☆↔§ ↔§■▼☆&§@ ♩◆◀● &◆■●§↔◀§♪◀, ☆&&→↔@◆□○ ◀→ ☆ ※◆♪§@ 〓↙〓◀§◎; ◀●§ "★□◆◀〓" ◎☆↙ #§ 〓◆□○▼§ ▼§◀◀§↔〓 (◀●§ ◎→〓◀ &→◎◎→□), ■☆◆↔〓 →※ ▼§◀◀§↔〓, ◀↔◆■▼§◀〓 →※ ▼§◀◀§↔〓, ◎◆♪◀★↔§〓 →※ ◀●§ ☆#→♬§, ☆□@ 〓→ ※→↔◀●. ◀●§ ↔§&§◆♬§↔ @§&◆■●§↔〓 ◀●§ ◀§♪◀ #↙ ■§↔※→↔◎◆□○ ◀●§ ◆□♬§↔〓§ 〓★#〓◀◆◀★◀◆→□. 〓★#〓◀◆◀★◀◆→□ &◆■●..
[HackCTF] Classic Cipher -3 Ciphertext : FqyeYBX{Yv4kk1y_Y1lfgt_1k_jgti_g4ki_1x91cqx14x} IC : 0.06667 As its IC is high, I can think it is a transposition cipher like Caesar Cipher. in this case, YBX should be CTF. but if this is Caesar, the order in Alphabet will be C, d, e, F, and the ciphertext is YBX(Y, X). The order is not the same. Now I can think this is not a Caesar Cipher, and I can also think the cipher will be V..